Swordsman Charity was established in 2011 to help promote several causes that were of great concern to us; education, building restoration and poverty relief.
The genesis of the idea developed slowly over several years, working in the architectural design business. I have always had a tremendous affinity for old buildings and have worked on their conservation and restoration for many years. As time passed, I began to think about how I might facilitate the restoration of historic properties, especially those in danger of being lost altogether. With this project, the biggest challenge to overcome, is undoubtedly raising the funding to facilitate their restorations. I therefore decided to establish a charity to raise funds for building restoration projects.
From this inception, I then began to think about other worthy causes that inspired me and required funding. I therefore decided to also raise funds to finance underprivileged children into private schools, as I have a deep affinity for educational matters. This then led to a desire to raise funds to alleviate poverty in the inner cities. At Swordsman Charity, we believe that we can assist people in all three of these areas.